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Installation questions
  • I am brand new to magento and want to install this theme on a website that already has an existing live site. Is there instructions for installing this theme so it's not live, but can be configured and products loaded and ready to be live without showing it?
  • 3 Responses
  • Serge Administrator
    We do not have such intstructions in documentation, but actually it is pretty simple
    You need to create separate store view, install theme for that view.
    After that go To System–> Configuration –>Advanced –> Developers
    Then click on Developer Client Restrictions and enter allowed ips. All other people will see maintaince mode
  • I don't want people to see a "maintenance mode" I want them to see the existing old site (that is not a magento shopping cart site) It's just straight up html and it uses another shopping cart presently. Can magento be installed on a domain and have it hidden until it's ready? It's not acceptable to have down time while you create a new site for someone.
  • Serge Administrator
    In this case you can install magento in subdirectory.
    No one will know about it + you still can use restriction by ip

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