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Seen as no-one is replying
  • Seen as no-one has responded to my 2 threads created 3 days ago on the Ambitious forum I will post them here where they may get looked at...


    Is there any way to change the teasers button so that it will redirect you to a page of my choice instead of just opening the same content on another page?

    Also, is there a way to adjust the slideshow height on my home page so that it lifts the content below it higher up the page?

    Thanks, Jamie

    I would also like to disable the option to 'leave a reply' at the bottom of each page. How can this be achieved?

    And is there a way to change the highlight colour from pink to something more subtle?

    So when i highlight some text the highlighting colour isnt pink..

    1 last question, what font is used in the teaser box headings. Cheers

    How do i input an image without it having the default border?
  • 1 Responses
  • Support
    Answered at original topic.

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